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Elizabeth sits down with Ruth Roche. She has been in the industry for over 35 years, is a master artist with Redken and is a 5 time of NAHA!!
Today’s conversation is all about how to stay fresh in the industry, and be ok with being patient with your growth and success. And how to be a forever student!
Ruth lives in New York and is very heavy into her career! It’s her passion! She is a master artist with Redken, and educates all over the world. She has an educational YouTube channel.
Right now she is working on so many things! In her personal life, she started painting and in her professional life she is busy teaching with Redken and growing her social media presence on Instagram and YouTube. It’s SO important to be connected to the new generation!
For her to stay excited and motivated it’s important for her to surround herself with motivated people!
It’s so important to keep up on the trends if you are wanting to work with companies! They rely on you to reach out to your audience and to keep up with what is popular and remember to stay open to change!
About 23 years ago, Redken started the exchange, and Ruth was the person in the room that was very against the change, and kept pushing back. BUT over the years, she has been able to learn so much and grow as she opened her mind to all of the possibilities!
16:00 HOT SEAT
Elizabeth asks Ruth what her advice would be to overcoming challenges when it comes to being in the industry for a while, and learn how to step out of their funk and get re-excited about their craft!
Ruth says to remember that it is ok to be vulnerable. You need to stay open to the learning process, and try not to get set in your ways. It’s important to remember that things are always changing. Just because you are successful right now, doesn’t mean that it will last forever! You need to keep evolving as the industry continues to change. There’s no reason why you can’t stop learning and growing!
You have to be willing to stick things out and keep going!
Ruth says to stay away from comparing your success to others. We can look at others social media and think that they got “overnight success”.
To have success in this business, you need to stay humble, focus on your craft, and help others achieve their goals.
Go check out your Jovian Archive. This tells you what your manifestation type is! If you know the way you market and project things, it will flow out of you and feel easy to do! It’s so important to find a way to market that feels good to you!
Write down the things in your life that completely DRAIN YOU. Those are things you want to do less of, delete or delegate! If you can’t afford to hire someone to do it, then do trade! Whatever you need to do, it’s 100% worth it!
What are your 3 biggest takeaways from the episode:
Don’t compare your success other’s success. Their way won’t necessarily work for you, and say YES to opportunities that feel good. You have nothing to lose!
Be patient! Figure out what works for you, and do it your way!
Be kind!
Lastly… Don’t stop! If you have a dream, hang in there! If you haven’t achieved your goal yet, keep working hard. It will happen!
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