Thank you to our sponsors Schedulicity and Redken for making this tour possible! Schedulicity is offering 3 months free by clicking on this link! Redken hooked up all of our attendees with the new Level 10 shades from Shades EQ! Also, AIIR hair care gave each of our attendees a bottle of their AMAZING texture spray! Thank you!!
Next stop… Portland, Oregon!! It was a blast! This was our first and only outdoor venue, and it was absolutely breathtaking!!
Our panel had 3 incredible ladies. Ambrosia Carey, Lo Wheeler, and Alicia Soulier joined us for the night, and left everyone in attendance feeling ready to take on the world!
Ambrosia Carey: She started a salon over 3 years ago when she decided she wanted to do more than just be a stylist behind the chair, and she started Blooming Bloggers that brings entrepreneurs, bloggers and other amazing people
Lo Wheeler: Been in the business for over 17 years, and within the last 6 years she opened a salon, and more recently started working with brands and teaching and educating. This year she is starting to educate online!
Alicia Soulier: Owned a salon for the past 11 years, and then a few years ago she founded a company called SalonScale.
1st Question: What’s a moment in your life that made you have to pivot??
Ambrosia: Once she bought into a salon, she realized she relied on other success’s and how it impacted her and her success.
Lo: After she left her salon of 10 years, she realized how difficult it was to find another one that fit the culture that she would like, so she started working from her apartment! After a while, she found a place that would be perfect to open a salon, and took the risk!
Alicia: When she decided to join the tech world, she had an identity crisis, and had to pivot. She had some of her stylists leave and take their clients and she had to figure out how to keep her staff, her family, and her personal life all in tact.
2nd Question: How can you turn your “stories” into something that can compel yourself to move forward
Ambrosia: You can let the voices in your head run you life, or you can let them motivate you to be an example to others that are in the same situation as you.
Lo: Instead of focusing on things you can’t control, focus on getting your mind right and what you really want, and from there using your goals to motivate you to get in the right place. You have to push yourself 5% than you normally would.
Alicia: When you tell yourself you can’t do something, you are limiting yourself to experiences. Instead, put yourself out there and start today!!
3rd Question: How was community changed your life?
Ambrosia: Community is what has supported and pushed her through the hard times.
Lo: Networking has changed her life by introducing her to new best friends, and those that you can call and cry to, or rely on, or even sleep on their couches! (haha!)
Alicia: Community is SO important because you find people who are just like you! Once you do, you find your support system where you can open up, and help each other, and then everyone wins!
Elizabeth: The reason we created Hair Love was to foster a community because when you have a support system it makes all the difference!
If you could go back and tell your younger self advice, what would it be?
Ambrosia: Get out of your own way!! Stop comparing yourself, and enjoy life! CHILL OUT!
Lo: Take more risks and stop people pleasing!
Alicia: Keep failing!! Favorite quote “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is the PRESENT, that’s why it’s a gift!”
Thank you to everyone that came and to the amazing Ambrosia, Lo, and Alicia for all of their words of advice, and a final shoutout to our amazing sponsors!
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