A Wellbeing Revolution for the Beauty Industry 

The First Turnkey Wellness Program For


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The Vitality Project is the beauty industry’s wellness solution 🔑! 

A first of its kind product that is bridging the gap between the HUMAN & the CRAFT. We know that wellness and wealth go HAND in HAND

We know that what these professionals do is so much more than a haircut, highlight, facial, massage or fresh coat of polish. Their impact is deeply FELT.
 They are the secret keepers and safe places for human connection. They are pillars in our communities and actualizers of beauty

Beauty & wellness professionals care for so many
and stand in service for so many. 

We believe that beauty & wellness professionals change the world one person at a time.


At the Vitality Project

Our wellness program supports you in each of these 6 core areas. Together this creates harmonized and balanced human vitality.  

At the heart of The Vitality Project is the Vitality WheeL™









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We offer a plug & play wellness program that serves as a tool to address the industry challenges you face daily. We are not only in the business of beauty - we are in the business of PEOPLE.

At the Vitality Project, we know when we help humans- human better…your organization will see results like these… 

✔️ Eliminate Burnout & Career Fatigue 
✔️ Improved Productivity & Stress
✔️ Increased Loyalty & Workplace       
✔️ Higher Student Show Up &
      Success Rate & Retention 
✔️ Salon/Spa Career Sustainability
✔️ Improved Client/Team
✔️ Stand Out In the Marketplace 

Massively increase student retention & show up rates. Employee satisfaction & retention.  

Implement tools that radically improve emotional intelligence & communication skills. 

Improved productivity & stress management by having tools to support & foster emotional, mental & career wellbeing. 

Support your team with training in leadership skills, trauma informed facilitation training for managers, owners & teachers. 

Stand out in the market place as a school and/or a salon/spa that offers a wellness program as part of their company culture and ethos. 

Improved employee/student retention & productivity will lead to improved profits and being a business that your clients rave about & refer. 

Sustainable business model that allows for longevity for the long haul. By caring for the humans we are caring for the future of your companies success. 

Create a company culture that fosters wellness and prevents burnout. Burnout is one of the leading causes of turn-over & career 

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The research is in! 

“Factors such as mental health, emotional regulation, physical health, social relationships and school climate influence student academic achievement, engagement, self efficacy and impact student learning outcomes."

-National Institutes of Health

Companies with well designed wellness programs see a return on investment of $1.50 to $3.80 for every dollar spent.

The global workplace wellness market is projected to reach $94 billion by 2027, growing at a rate of 7.3% from 2020 to 2027.

Leading business organizations ALL have wellness programs & small businesses will be expected to bring this in- programs typically include initiatives such as wellbeing assessments, wellness incentives, and mental/emotional health resources.

86% of employees believe that companies should prioritize mental/emotional health support in the workplace. Access to mental health resources, flexible work arrangements, and supportive leadership are key factors in addressing burnout and promoting wellbeing.

Harvard Business Review shared that burnout costs the US economy an estimated $125 billion to $190 billion annually in healthcare costs. Expenses are related to stress-induced medical conditions, absenteeism, & reduced productivity.











We invite you to be a part of the change the industry is ready for. 

As agents for change we believe iN




Success lies in the hands of the leaders who are human and heart centric. 

Gone are the days where we need to push or burn our teams, students, teachers or leaders to have an ROI. 📊 

There is a better way to empower, inspire, motivate and co create together. 

Human vitality is business vitality. 

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The Wellness Curriculum Pathway 

Your pathway to wellness.
Plug the Vitality Project into your curriculum & culture today! 


A Gateway to Wellness


The Vitality Wheel 


Values, Purpose & Mission 


Nervous System Regulation  


Mindset & Communication 

Teacher & Owner Tools 

🖤 Beauty Pros Impact of Society 
🖤 Lead With Curiosity
🖤 The Power of Intention  

🖤 The Pathway to
Sacred Success 
🖤 The Vitality Wheel 

We have created a unique set of tools for our teachers & our salon owners that differ and are curated to directly give them the support they need to bring wellness into their lives, classrooms and companies. 

🖤  Heart Centered Leadership
 🖤 The Power of Language 
🖤  trauma informed Coaching 

🖤 define your Purpose & why
🖤 Align with Your Core Values  
🖤 Create Your Mission Statement 

🖤 Science of The Mind 
🖤 Conscious Communication 
🖤 Embodying the Vitality Wheel 

🖤 Science of the Nervous System 
🖤The Art of Holding Space 
🖤 Nervous System Regulation for Beauty/Wellness Pros

Mental & Emotional Wellness are key for our future and for the next generation when it comes to picking the schools & salon/spa they will go to. Be some of the first to bring a wellness program into your school OR salon/spa culture. Be a part of the new wave of leaders that is bridging the gap between the human and the craft. Be a brand that stands for the success and wellbeing of the beauty/wellness professional. 

When creating The Vitality Project we knew we had to address this problem of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health in our industry in a way that would be heart, head and hands on.

In order to do this in a way that will change the entire industry we had to make this product support our teachers as much as it supports our students. We know having this in schools is where we can create real change for the future of our industry. 

We also know that we want our students to have like minded salons to go work at & that burnout is an issue that is riddling our industry & leading to careers that aren’t sustainable. It doesn’t have to be this way! With the right tools- this is one of the most abundant career paths. 

We have an entire community of heart centered beauty leaders & salon/spa owners - so we knew we had to create this product to support not just our stylists, barbers, estheticians and nail technicians but the owners leading these teams. Nowadays having a wellness program is becoming the new status quo- this is a tool that will allow all salons/spa to offer this to their teams & employees. 

all Vitality Project schools, salons & spas will be proudly listed on a directory

This tool for salons will be bridging the gap between school and salon and truly allow our industry to have a bright and sustainable future.

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"i believe we are all here for a special purpose & that our success is sacred. I believe that we all have the power to positively impact the world & make a difference. I make a difference by resourcing humans with the tools to unlock their full potential!"  

Elizabeth Faye's life was profoundly changed by a hairstylist as a young troubled girl and led to her career in the professional beauty industry and she now gives back and is in devotion to the idea that what we do not only changes lives but changes the world. 

From punk kid, to high school drop to hairstylist to trauma informed  certified coach, breathwork expert & motivational speaker she shares her mission and message from the Ted stage garnering over 1 million views sharing the impact we make as a beauty/wellness community and the ripple effect we are all a part of. She launched an award winning Documentary titled "Hairstylists Change the World" that is all about the impact stylists/beauty pros have - now available on Amazon Prime.

Elizabeth Faye is a leading voice for the beauty & wellness industry and believes that our wealth and wellbeing go hand in hand. As a globally recognized hairstylist, certified business and trauma informed life coach she serves the beauty industry as an advocate and Founder of her community Hair Love University - which alone has impacted over 30 thousand beauty careers and worked with over 50 leading industry brands.

She has been a trailblazer in bridging mental/emotional wellness,  personal development & wellbeing into our industry, salons, schools and culture in an integrated way that paves an even brighter future for beauty careers. She also is the founder of her wellness brand Glow Breathwork which is a certification for humans who want to bring these tools into their lives and businesses for themselves. 

She’s a two time Finalist For NAHA Educator of the Year and responsible for facilitating tens of thousands of full-blown career transformations via her soul-spurred retreats, mentorship programs, corporate speaking & private coaching to some of the most influential voices in beauty. 

She believes you change the world and we are all a part of the ripple effect. 

A little bit about...

Elizabeth Faye

proudly supported by

"We carry SUCH an enormous responsibility in our communities for other people’s well being in helping them look and subsequently feel their best that we MUST have that support ourselves."

why does
wellness matters?

“Wellness is an important aspect of every bit of our decision making. Within out industry, within our personal lives, and even our decision making practices. Perusing a healthy mental space is the key to clarity for everything we involve ourselves in."

"Unfortunately it’s not as important as it should be, burn out is real. If we learned early on how to take care of our selves we’d be better off and have longer careers in the hair world. What Vitality Project is doing is crucial for our industry." 

“Wellness is more than important- 


“Wellness is an important aspect of every bit of our decision making. Within out industry, within our personal lives, and even our decision making practices. Perusing a healthy mental space is the key to clarity for everything we involve ourselves in.

-Lexi Lomax, Business Coach, Educator & Salon Owner

-Missy Megginson, Stylist, Retired Salon Owner,
Director of Marketing Relations at Schedulicity  

-Missy Megginson, Stylist, Retired Salon Owner, Director of Marketing Relations at Schedulicity  

-Lacy Gadegaard, Founder & CEO of Laced Hair Extensions & Foundation,
Salon Owner & Stylist

-Leysa Carrillo, Founder of Forever Curls Academy, Redken Ambassador, Global Influencer & Stylist 

"My forever passion is around inspiring successful, sustainable and satisfying careers for salon and spa professionals. Today, I can say with confidence that 'satisfying' is the foundation upon which all else can be built; and our individual "wellness" is the cornerstone of creating ongoing satisfaction - in careers, business and life!" 

-Gordon Miller, CEO, Beauty Cast Network; Founder, Social Beauty Makers 

“Wellness is more than important- 


-Leysa Carrillo, Founder of Forever Curls Academy, Redken Ambassador, Global Influencer & Stylist 

"We carry SUCH an enormous responsibility in our communities for other people’s well being in helping them look and subsequently feel their best that we MUST have that support ourselves."

why does
wellness matters?

“Wellness is an important aspect of every bit of our decision making. Within out industry, within our personal lives, and even our decision making practices. Perusing a healthy mental space is the key to clarity for everything we involve ourselves in."

"Unfortunately it’s not as important as it should be, burn out is real. If we learned early on how to take care of our selves we’d be better off and have longer careers in the hair world. What Vitality Project is doing is crucial for our industry." 

“Wellness is an important aspect of every bit of our decision making. Within out industry, within our personal lives, and even our decision making practices. Perusing a healthy mental space is the key to clarity for everything we involve ourselves in.

-Lexi Lomax, Business Coach, Educator & Salon Owner

-Missy Megginson, Stylist, Retired Salon Owner,
Director of Marketing Relations at Schedulicity  

-Missy Megginson, Stylist, Retired Salon Owner, Director of Marketing Relations at Schedulicity  

-Lacy Gadegaard, Founder & CEO of Laced Hair Extensions & Foundation,
Salon Owner & Stylist

"My forever passion is around inspiring successful, sustainable and satisfying careers for salon and spa professionals. Today, I can say with confidence that 'satisfying' is the foundation upon which all else can be built; and our individual "wellness" is the cornerstone of creating ongoing satisfaction - in careers, business and life!" 

-Gordon Miller, CEO, Beauty Cast Network; Founder, Social Beauty Makers 

“Wellness is more than important- IT IS NECESSARY! "

-Leysa Carrillo, Founder of Forever Curls Academy, Redken Ambassador, Global Influencer & Stylist 

“Wellness is an important aspect of every bit of our decision making. Within out industry, within our personal lives, and even our decision making practices. Perusing a healthy mental space is the key to clarity for everything we involve ourselves in.

-Missy Megginson, Stylist, Retired Salon Owner,
Director of Marketing Relations at Schedulicity  


Who is Vitality Project for? 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

How do I incorporate this into my school? 


Who is Vitality Project for? 

Vitality Project is for schools & salon/spas. We have 2 products. If you are neither a school or owner you can nominate your school/salon and we can reach out to them to send them the details to apply and learn more! 

If you are a salon/spa we have a done for you wellness program that you can plug right into your organization. Once you fill out the form we will send you a breakdown of the program & pricing based on your team size! 

If you are a school we are partnered with Pivot Point  & once you apply we will be connecting you with the team at Pivot Point to help answer all questions and onboard your school! 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

I am a salon owner, how will I implement this? 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

How do I incorporate this into my school? 


Who is Vitality Project for? 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

I am a salon owner, how will I implement this? 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

For schools we will take your application and respond promptly- connecting you with our partners at Pivot Point! Both of us will work to support you in brining this curriculum into your schools with ease & right away. 

For salons/spas this will be priced based on the size of your team & amount of locations. After you apply we will send you a deck of information & a quote & how to sign up! We priced this across the board as affordably as possible. We want wellness to be accessible to ALL! 

How do I incorporate this into my school? 


Who is Vitality Project for? 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

We know that your teachers may not understand or know anything about wellness - that is where we come in! We curated a curriculum that can be used in distance learning or in person learning. We have done for you incredible videos and all the tools your teachers will need to safely facilitate this empowering content right away. It truly will be EASY & life changing for your team, teachers& students. We do recommend in person learning for this but it is flexible. 

Your teachers have an entire teachers portal of leadership, wellness and facilitation trainings that will be a massive bonus and get your teachers the same kind of results that this offers your students. 

We also have everything from done for you lesson plans, activity guides, assessments, prompts & workbooks for teachers and students.
This will be a simple and easy plug in to your company culture and curriculum that will change lives & your success. We are here to support you with implementing this with EASE & to get the best results. 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

I am a salon owner, how will I implement this? 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

How do I incorporate this into my school? 


Who is Vitality Project for? 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

I am a salon owner, how will I implement this? 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

How do I incorporate this into my school OR salon/spa? 

We worked to create a product that is FLEXIBLE and INTUITIVE. We have a standard of excellence and a success path we highly highly recommend but the product is flexible in the sense that you can plug this in for distance learning or in person learning & you can move around modules depending on how it best fits your school structure or for salon/spa how you do your meetings & team gatherings. 

 We give you an entire rubric and a AT A GLANCE sheet that shows you how to plug in the done for you lesson & activities. You can use  your teachers or owners wellness guidebook  to know the exact time amount you will need.

This program has 5 main sections but 14 individual lessons that are about 30 min- one hour each .  Each lesson comes complete with a short video, lesson plan, activity, chat room prompts & access to the Vitality Project on Demand library & teacher OR salon/spa owner training. 


Who is Vitality Project for? 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

I am a salon owner, how will I implement this? 

Since you are reading this I have a feeling you are either a very heart centric leader OR you are having some challenges with leading your team and looking to create a culture and change that will have long term results. Welcome!

The same curriculum we built for schools- we created a salon/spa owner version for you. You will be given 2 portals, one for your staff and one for you! Your staff will also be granted access to a private audio library that appears like a secret podcast on their Apple or Spotify that has an On Demand Vitality Project library of tools to help with stress management, emotional regulation, mindset, staying focused, better sleep and energy levels! This is something you are gifting to them to have ALL the time. 

You will be granted a step by step owner guide that walks you through ways to cultivate leadership, team work and vitality within your employees. Things that you can use in meetings, workshops, team trainings or company retreats. All you have to do is PRESS PLAY and follow the lesson plan we have laid out for you. 

We also have tools that show you how to do team assessments, coaching check in's, meetings, keep your team motivated to hit goals, unify your team with the mission of the salon, better communication and increase loyalty, productivity, motivation and profits. 

We also have a private community for owners where we will be doing quarterly leadership roundtables for owners to come together and receive support with utilizing Vitality Project . This is created to be EASY and simple to plug in! The work load won't be more- just being more intentional about the time you do spend and invest in your team in a way that will have an ROI in all ways & create sustainable & heart centered growth. 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

How do I incorporate this into my school? 


Who is Vitality Project for? 

I am a school- tell me about the support you offer for teachers!? 

Why are wellness programs on their way to becoming a MUST have instead of a "nice" to have? 

I am a salon owner, how will I implement this? 

The research is in and we know that there is a direct connection between wealth and wellbeing. We know that the VITALITY of the humans in our organizations is directly tied to their productivity, satisfaction and longevity in their career. 

Often schools, salons & spas don't realize that problems they are having such as workplace conflict, burn out, communication challenges, loyalty, turn over, lower productivity is all coming back to how you are creating a culture within your company. One of my favorite sayings is "nothing is common sense- you must make it common knowledge" - as a leader it is your job to create the culture and foster that culture. The culture of your company is directly tied to your success. 

How much does joining the Vitality Project cost?

How do I incorporate this into my school?