Pop that bubbly, people, because Redken recently launched some new Shades EQ colors that will REVOLUTIONIZE the way you serve your blonde clients behind the chair!
Why are we crazy about Redken?
Year after year, Redken continues to innovate in the color technology space and launch new, exciting products – as well as educate and inspire hair artists in an interactive way!
Redken also listens to hairstylists to find new ways to create products that help us do our jobs better and create magic behind the chair for our clients. This philosophy is what led to the creation of their Shades EQGloss New Level 010 Shades.
Why Level 010 Shades?
Redken learned that stylists were searching for a go-to solution to tone high-level blonde clients without diluting a 09 level or risk getting a darker than desired result.
Two amazing new toners:
Thanks to Redken, the hair world now has two wonderful, high-performance toners to choose from for their blonde babe clients!

010N Delicate Natural is perfect if you are going for a creamy blonde end result.
010VV Lavender Ice is the holy grail for getting rid of any yellow undertones and giving clients a sexy, icy, subtle violet reflect.
We are obsessed!

“I love the level 10’s- it’s perfectly calibrated for level 10 toning- and eliminates the needs to dilute our 9’s- which gets rid of the guesswork! It’s a beautiful clear tone and lets me achieve icy platinums and creamy neutral blondes. It’s my new fave!”
-Cassandra McGlaughlin, platinum & color correction expert
The TENS in action
So, does the hype actually have clout? See for yourself.
Here is a stunning before and after from Alex Arias-duran, a certified Redken artist & colorist. Here’s what he has to say about this blonde refresh:
“Check out how icy ❄️ she is! Thank you for the #redkenshadeseq 10vv! Redken will be lunching new 10’s! Was so fun to create this new look! We did a global lightening service with #redkenflashlift and 30vol pro-oxide! We then toned with 2oz 10vv and 2oz processing solution! We processed for a full 20min for best results and longevity!”

But wait, there’s more…
Here’s another gushing review of the new Shades EQ colors from Brittany Wilson:
When I say these shades are f*cking LIFE, I’m not kidding. Absolutely no clear needed to dilute the formula. True to tone color AND check out that shine!

It’s formula time, babyyy
Check out this amazing example formula using the new Shades courtesy of the amazing Jamie Sea:
Lifted to: level 10 soft yellow pigments remaining.
FORMULA: 1/2oz 10Vv + 1.5oz clear +2 oz processing solution.
Our amazing Hair Love Leader, Cassandra Platinum, also got to play with the new Shades EQs at Premiere Orlando on her hot model, Sarah LouWho. Here is the before and after!

MAJOR heart eyes, right?!
Here’s what Cassandra said about this stellar platinum retouch:
1. Apply @redken Flashlift Bonder Inside and 20volume on the short sides. Lift can be a challenge on very short hair without proper saturation and incubation. The key to an even lift is using a systematic application, I first applied the lightener opposite of the hair growth, then used a comb to make sure it was saturated through, then reapplied a thick layer of lighter in the same direction of the hair growth & overlaid a foil.
2. Apply lightener to the 1” level 6 regrowth and overlay the quarter foil, leaving a small gap between the lightener & line of demarcation (think 1/16”). Using a thicker consistency will give you the most control.
3. Let process 90% of the way (45 min in this case- to about a level 9), then go between each foil and move the lightener just past the line of demarcation and let process the rest of the way.
4. Pull foils and apply a very loose mixture of Flashlift Bonder Inside, 10 vol & pHBonder through the ends. Let process for about 5 minutes
5. Rinse & apply pre-toner of Blonde Idol Highlift NA/V/P & 20 vol for 3-5 minutes, this gives you a little boost of lift, adds some coolness without adding any level.
6. Shampoo with @redken Nature+Science Extreme & treat with Extreme Chem Shot.
7. Tone with Shades EQ 9gi9p7n (1:1:1/4)at the root & sides, blend into 10N, 10VV (2:1/2) with pH Bonder.
8. Style & Smile
We are so excited to add the new Level 010 Shades into our blonde rotation! And we can’t wait to see what all of you create with this amazing new tool!