WE’VE BEEN KEEPING THE BIGGEST SECRET! Salon Scale is about to change your life! We have a 5-part podcast series and 3 part blog series coming in HOT🔥these next few weeks!
SalonScale created an app that measures the cost of your product in real time! It’s called the #perfectpricingmethod. That’s right.. you measure your color on their bluetooth scale, and it sends the information directly to the app on your phone, and BAM! You know exactly what you should be charging your clients!
Made for hairdressers, BY hairdressers! Salon Scale is soooo simple and easy to use. It’s literally a dream.
And babes, we have partnered with Salon Scale to offer you your first month free, and a bluetooth scale!😍
So now you’re probably wondering how do I use Salon Scale? Let’s talk about it:
Getting Your Scale
You’ll get a Bluetooth scale shipped to your house as soon as you make an account and the scale is FREE! And all it needs then is to link up through Bluetooth with your mobile device or your iPad!
The Salon Scale app has every single color line. If there’s a color line that they don’t have, you can contact support and they can see about adding it in and then you get to go in and put the prices in!
So everything is actually what you’re paying for at Salon Centric or wherever you order through.
You’re getting really accurate numbers! You guys can actually do the perfect pricing right then.
How Salon Scale Works
So what you want to do is start off by turning on the scale and connecting to the app.
In the top right hand corner there is a dropdown menu. Hit connect. And once you’re connected, just like that Bluetooth speaker we were talking about, it’ll give you a check mark that you’re now ready to start coloring.
So cool!
So this is your, “today’s session”. This is the start of your day. So anything that you see in this section, these are customers that you are servicing and or needing to add in.
On the top you’ll see “Add new client”. And on the bottom you’re going to see your “Client list”. So if you’re servicing a customer you’ve already seen, they’re going to be in your client list, and if it’s a new one, then you’ll add it in on the top!
Select your client and get started girl! Make sure that the scale is in grams or ounces (you can set this right on the scale itself) depending on your own person preference. From there, you will simply select the exact product you are measuring right in the app. Add as much as you need to your bowl, and right before your eyes, you will see the actual cost per gram!
Now you’re ready to go into the Developer tab and find the Processing Solution and then you can go ahead and mix that in there too.
Exact Costs and Shareable Scales!
No matter what you do and add in your bowl, the app will simply keep adding to it and telling you how much it costs! And when you are done, you’re ready to charge your customer.
And the best part is that the Bluetooth actually connects to whatever phone is close to you! So if you are in a suite or a salon and you can even share the scale! No need to worry. If you have multiple mixers at the same time, you’re going to connect to the closest phone. YASS!
Well, now you guys can get your salon scale today and start making more money behind the chair!
Get your first month free, and a bluetooth scale HERE!