This episode is powered by Workshop in a Box, The Bali Mastermind, Hair Love Retreat and SalonCentric.
If you want to build your brand, make more money, reduce stress, and level up in your business, sign up for The Workshop in a Box!
We are going to Bali in 2020!! There are only a few tickets left. Get yours here.
Snag your spot to Hair Love Retreat! Get 100 new best friends, learn the best hair education, eat the best food, and work on your wellness!
SalonCentric has committed to reducing waste and plastic in 2020! They would love you to bring totes to their trip to their store! If you need a tote, head over to www.hairlovevibe.com
Elizabeth sits down with India Dunn on why it’s important to check your energy so that you can avoid burnout!
India works with creative service providers to combat anxiety, depression, and combat burnout! So many people are struggling with these issues without even knowing! She helps others understand these problems by recognizing how they cope with problems in their lives! A lot of people have joked in the past about not making money, or having anxiety, and so they are placing a highlight on their inability to change.
Elizabeth is not a fan of the culture around the networking aspect. When you meet up at a bar and have to talk to people and end up getting drunk and hungover and then the next day you are not able to perform to the ability you want to.
India was an alcoholic and has had to learn different coping mechanisms over the years. Her suggestion to fix the hair show problem, is to not offer so many alcoholic drinks. PBA is helping to fix the culture and make more rules for hairstylists!.
India helps to both fix and avoid burnout! The first step is being self-aware. Everyone is experiencing burnout at some type of level every day! It’s important to know where you’re at.
Stylists can have a very unhealthy work lifestyle. Although it’s something you love, it can drive to be a burnout! You work long hours, can have bad eating and sleeping habits, and this can affect so my systems in the body.
One thing that India suggests to do is to just give yourself time to think. To look at your emotions you’re having and actually process them. It’s important to simply sit and listen to your body. Pull apart the things you’re doing and why you are doing them. You have to give yourself time to do that! It all starts with SELF LOVE!!
It’s important to remember that you are in the front lines of people’s MENTAL CARE. When they are not feeling good, they go get their hair done. They unload on you, and then you take in everything that they are feeling! That is very taxing on your own personal health!
If you know yourself well enough to step away, meditate, and get to a good place, you’ll be able to better serve your clients and not have it affect you.
There are so many things that you can on your end. You can see a healing specialist, work with essential oils, meditate, or anything that helps you calm down. Do your research and see what is best for you! There are things as easy as going into the bathroom and washing your hands! Raising Beauty Industry helps professionals and brands increase their mind, body, spirit wellbeing through⚡️The Embeautyment™ Method⚡️.
India offers 1-on-1 coaching, meditation groups (through Skype or in person), aesthetic and energetic auditing, and workshops.
India and Hair Love will be at ISSE 2020!!
If you want to hear Elizabeth’s full story listen here!
Tips to avoiding burnout:
1. Understand how powerful your position is behind the chair!
2. Choose wisely where you are going to work because your salon is your family! Don’t put up with Sh*** behaviors, have mentors that lift you up!
3. If you are burned out, start small! Ask for help, reach out.