Hair Love University is premiering their documentary, Hairstylists Change the World, at ISSE 2022. You are officially invited to RSVP for a life changing film showcasing the magic & power of a hairstylist behind the chair.

"Making someone feel heard, seen & loved is one of the most profound things you can do; hairstylists do that daily." states Elizabeth.

Director, founder of Hair Love University, & hairstylist, Elizabeth Faye shares the magic that happens between a hairdresser & the person in the chair & asks, "how can we foster that same connection with others outside of the salon?” She believes that hairstylists have the power to change the world. Elizabeth's world was totally changed when she was 12 years old by a stylist & she knows the impact hairstylists make in society & in the lives of their clients daily. Everyone has a hairstylist they love & she believes by elevating the stylist & the beauty industry as a whole we are able to be a part of positive change in the world.

hair love


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