Hello Tribe, I am Sarafina Ludlow (@sarafina_ludlow) and I have a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition. I have a confession to make, I am not a hairstylist! I do however, have a lot of wonderful, powerful women in my life that slay in the cosmetology game and asked me to share some wisdom on some of their day to day habits; so, without further ado, here are my insights on how you boss babes can take care of number one and have yourself some Merry Little #HealthyHolidays. (PS this is the hashtag that should be trending this season)
We wake up, get ready, dash to work. Maybe we fit a workout in there, or some quality time with friends and family, and then we go to sleep and then we rise and grind again the next day. Often times life feels as though it’s flying by at 90 miles an hour and we are doing all we can to keep everything in order. But inevitably something falls through the cracks, right?
No matter how amazing our tribe is, how with it we are, or how detailed our planner is, we have a lot of balls to juggle and we’re human. Then multiply that insanity by at LEAST 10 for the holidays!

To check out more from Sarafina Ludlow check out her blog, “Sara & the Lone Star”.
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To check out more from Sarafina Ludlow check out her blog, “Sara & the Lone Star”.
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To check out more from Sarafina Ludlow check out her blog, “Sara & the Lone Star”.
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Sara- nutritionist
boss babe!
Unfortunately, our sacrifice tends to be our eating, and often times we don’t even recognize that we’re doing so. Something as intuitive and imperative as breakfast, lunch, and dinner seems to take the back seat to the other, seemingly more important day-to-day tasks. But consider this, what is more important than YOU?! You are the one on your feet from 9-5 (usually longer) helping others to see their beauty.
You are a stylist, counselor, teacher, soundboard, masseuse, doctor, taxi driver, and so much more. You are important. But are you neglecting to fuel your vessel? You are what you eat, are you not? Are you really 5 coffees and a protein bar? Are you only worth a drive thru sandwich? Hopefully we can all recognize that we deserve more.
Fueling our bodies properly does require that we dedicate time to doing so, but PROMISE it can be done without excessive sacrifice, and doing so will make you all the more efficient. Sure a Starbucks drive through may satisfy an instant need and shave off a few minutes in our morning routine, but it won’t sustain you nor allow you or your brain to function at full capacity.
Don’t think of taking time to fuel as a sacrifice, but rather as an investment, the most worthwhile investment you can make.
With that, here are a few quick tips to help you get started, because there is no time like the present, and we might as well get a jump on our New Year’s resolutions:
Plan. I’m not saying you need to meal prep or count macros, just get your cellphone out the night before and type out what your going to eat. Start here and eventually you can get more in depth.
Grocery shop for REAL food. Greens are basically a free food, so load up on them. Fruit is a great grab and go snack. Yogurt cups are a great grab and go breakfast. Add some hearty granola to it. The fiber/fat/protein combo will keep you fuller longer.
Sit down and enjoy your meal. It takes more time yes, but you’ll be satiated longer and your brain will have a minute to recharge.
Get a cute lunch pail, ideally one with freezer packs to keep your food cold. It may sound fickle, but it will get the ball rolling and may help light the fire needed to pack your lunch.
Prepare extra dinner and put the extras in a Tupperware for the next days lunch. (For a few of @hairloveretreat’s favorite recipes click on over to our “LUNCHBOX LOVE” Pinterest board!
Share pictures of your meals on Instagram.
Get excited about food, actual food with real ingredients. Instead of focusing on calories, try focus on what you’re putting into your body. Make sure it’s worthy of you.
These are only a few of the many things you can do to take the steps towards properly fueling your body, but the most important thing to remember is that YOU ARE WORTH IT! You are more than a gas station meal bar and a soda. You are worth more than forgotten meals, and chaotic eating patterns. You are a QUEEN and your body deserves to be treated accordingly. How can you help others to feel their best when you yourself are running on half a tank? You are the ultimate investment.
You can find me on IG + I am happy to answer any questions regarding healthy eating!

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