Although some of us are still rocking our winter coats, the Spring Equinox is just around the corner! March 20th marks the opening of spring, and we can’t help but get excited about warmer days, blossoms on trees, and of course, Hair Love Retreat!
The promise of better weather is definitely something to celebrate, but the equinox isn’t just about that – the Spring Equinox has many spiritual and ancient meanings that you should know about.
Even if you aren’t a super spiritual person, the deeper meanings behind the equinox are important and really interesting! Understanding these meanings can help you welcome an exciting new season. So, if you’re ready to let go of the past and throw your wet snow boots in the closet, here are some fascinating tidbits about the Spring Equinox.
Spring is the season associated with change, cleansing, and new beginnings. From advertisements about “spring cleaning” to little flowers peeking out of the earth, everything about Spring welcomes new growth, change, and fresh beginnings.

Ancient religious & spiritual importance
The spring equinox has been celebrated for thousands of years. In many religions, the spring equinox holds a lot of importance. In Christianity, the spring equinox is tied to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Mayans celebrated the resurrections of their own gods. The temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia aligns with the spring equinox.
The mystical meaning behind this time of year has been around for a long, long time. Up until the 18th century, in many parts of Europe, the equinox was considered the beginning of the new year (and is still considered the astrological new year, starting with Aries). In ancient days, people performed rituals during the equinox to cleanse old energy in themselves and their homes.

The season of restoring balance
The equinox embodies the contrast between light and dark, life and death, masculine and feminine. On March 20th, the day and the night are equal lengths.
“The significance of spring is that daylight starts to increase, so the earth is about to tip over to more light, like an illuminating, sublime reminder that light is returning and always does, to earth. Therefore, the spring equinox represents new light and life, new beginnings, seeds, and path.” ”
The equal lengths of night and day on the day of the equinox represents our own need for balance during this season. It is a time of renewal and new beginnings. The life and growth blooming welcomes a renewed sense of energy to help you focus and more forward in fresh, new, positive ways.
It is the best time of the year to discard the things that no longer serve you, and focus on new projects to bring balance to your life.
If you’re reading this and are like, “That’s exactly what I need!” then we’ve got some great news! You should prepare for and celebrate the Spring Equinox, and we have some ideas for how.
How to prepare
The Spring Equinox is the perfect time to clear out stagnant energy in your body and prepare for the more energetic and fruitful months of summer. Embracing the balance of the equinox can bring harmony to our health, relationships, and careers. Leading up to the equinox, we all have the opportunity to reflect and prepare for a new season and phase of life.
1. Create space & energy
Spring cleaning your house is a common tradition for this time of year, but your body and mind also need attention. Start by spring cleaning your mind and body. Make time to reflect on the patterns and habits you developed during winter and make a conscious effort to adjust those to reflect the energy and light of the new season. Recommit to clean eating and moving your body to circulate positive energy. Try taking regular walks or practicing yoga. Cook meals with in-season fruits and vegetables.
Your mind and body will thank you for restoring balance.
2. Raise your vibrations
Building energy leading up to and during Spring is the perfect way to generate higher vibrations in your body. Raising your vibrations helps reinvigorate your nervous system, immune system, circulation and digestion. There are lots of ways to raise your vibrations, like breathwork and crystals. If you want some ideas on how to raise your vibes, we wrote an entire blog post about it here.
3. Set intentional goals
New Year goals are great, but we’ve found that setting shorter-term milestones are more manageable and help us focus in on the many small steps that lead to a big result. Write down what you want to get out of the new season. Try to visualize the things you’d like to accomplish before summer, and how you want to feel.

How to celebrate
1. Get outside & connect
Take some time to celebrate the new life that surrounds you in nature. Watch the sunrise and/or sunset, go for a walk in the park, take a bike ride, lay in the grass, or take a hike. As you do so, observe all the new life beginning around you.
2. Plant new life
This is a good time of year to start planting your flowers and gardens if you haven’t already. If you live in an area where it is still not possible to plant anything, you can start some plants indoors or get your yard and garden ready for late spring plantings.
3. Meditation or yoga
Meditate upon new spring life, and celebrate the change of seasons. On the equinox, day and night, dark and light are balanced. Meditate and/or practice yoga to create inner peace and balance.
4. Restore balance in your home
Restore balance in the home by doing a spring deep cleaning. Get rid of clutter and anything that you no longer need to make space for the new season. You could even go further and sage your house.
5. Host or attend a bonfire
A bonfire is a great way to celebrate the equinox. Gather your friends, tell stories, dance, sing, beat drums, play music, and celebrate the spring.
We are SO EXCITED for Spring to be here, and are looking forward to the growth, evolution, and energy that is awaiting us and all of you! Do you have a spring ritual that you love? Share it with us in the comments or post it to IG and tag us @hairloveretreat.