Thank you to our sponsors Schedulicity and Redken for making this tour possible! Schedulicity is offering 3 months free by clicking on this link! Redken hooked up all of our attendees with the new Level 10 shades from Shades EQ! Also, AIIR hair care gave each of our attendees a bottle of their AMAZING texture spray! Thank you!!
Salt Lake was our VERY last stop on the tour!! Yay, we survived! Our panel had some of our ultimate faves! We had Lacy Gadegaard, founder of Laced Hair, and Michelle Money, professional hair stylist, educator, and reality star (You might have seen her on The Bachelor!)
Lacy Gadegaard– Lives in Salt Lake City, UT. Started out has a hair stylists and then 8 years ago she started doing ombre and rooted colors, and then started teaching. Latest passion product is the Laced Hair Foundation. This foundation is for anyone who suffers with hair loss for various reasons. You can nominate women who wants to feel confident and the hair is donated to them!
Michelle Money– Also lives in Utah. She has been a hairdresser for about 17 years. A few years ago, she applied for The Bachelor, and after her season started airing she got a bad edit, and got very depressed and took a break from doing hair. A while later, she started doing hair again, and got offered a job on Good Things Utah. More recently, she’s been working on herself and doing a lot of self-reflecting and figuring out what brings her joy. She has been doing Workshop in a Box to help with the business side of hair!
Elizabeth found Michelle Money through the Schedulicity app, and the universe opened up and brought them together. Shout out to Schedulicity!!
“What are some challenges or things you have overcome that have been a big pivot for you?”
Lacey: When she was diagnosed with some health issues, she had to completely stop doing hair. and she went into a little bit of depression. This caused her to find a new passion in her business, and she found a new happy!
Michelle: When she realized she needed to follow her spirit and her desire to teach women how to master their makeup! She then asked the question … “What percentage of your thoughts go towards what others are thinking of you?” The numbers were so high, that she realized she wanted to focus on self love and inner beauty.
“What does success look like to you?”
MICHELLE: Being able to show up for your clients, and do what’s best for them. By doing what they love, they are financially stable and happy!! A lot of times we complicate things!
LACEY: Everyone is so different and you’re artists and its all beautiful!!! It’s important to not compare yourself to others.
ELIZABETH: It’s so important to build a JOY driven brand. Sometimes you can get successful doing something that you’re really good at… but doesn’t necessarily make you happy, and it’s important to find what you love!
“What are ways in your life that you have been able to listen to yourself?”
MICHELLE: Pay attention to your feelings. Meditate- This allows you to be connected to your source energy, remove the noise, and gain access to your communication with God and where your heart is!
LACEY: With her health issues, she has to pay attention to what her body is telling her, and she has to really take time for herself to take care of herself. It’s also important to stick to your schedule to avoid burnout! It’s ok to say “NO”. Take breaks from instagram.
“If you could go back and tell your younger self something… what would it be?
LACEY: Happiness is getting rid of the idea of what your life SHOULD be. It’s ok that your life isn’t all figured out!! Don’t miss out on the now, and enjoy what is happening now!
MICHELLE: Be present in the now. Gratitude is one of he most powerful tools to use to pull you out of any funk. What other people think of you, has NOTHING to do with you! and what i think about YOU has everything to do with ME.
ELIZABETH: If you want to change your life, be around people who are good!
MICHELLE: No one should have to go through hard things alone. There are people who want to lift you up and help you!! When you open up about your guilt, stress, and taboo subjects, it helps empower you and not feel so alone.
LACEY: She had the courage to email Michelle, and Elizabeth and from there formed amazing bonds!!! It takes a little bit of courage, and amazing things can happen. You never know what could happen, so just go for it!! Its ok to be scared, and do it anyway, that’s where you grow!
If you don’t know where to start… Start with Workshop in a Box!! It will give you community, and education, and all the resources! Lean into the fear and watch yourself change!!
“If you want to be awesome, surround yourself with people who support you!!” – Elizabeth
What is your takeaway?
MICHELLE: When you can use gratitude, and find a silver lining it can change your life. Your perception is everything!!
LACEY: Don’t care about what other people think about you!! Be real. Be YOU. There is no magical formula.
Thank you to everyone that came to the tour!!
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