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On today’s episode, Elizabeth is talking with Chrystal. They met on Instagram! She is a hairstylist, salon owner, and entrepreneur at heart. Ultimately, she loves helping and educating other women! Elizabeth walks her through how to start her very own coaching program!
She currently lives in Columbia, Missouri, and is a mom of 3! She has been behind the chair for 11 years, but loves educating more than doing hair.
Today’s episode is going to be a little different! Elizabeth is going to coach Chrystal live on the podcast, and walk her through things that are happening in her life and business, and how to get more out of what she really wants in life.
Currently, Chrystal is not officially coaching, but her life is heading that way! She has always been a fan of collaboration. She has learned that as she talks with more people, they have the creative side down, but need help on the business side! They need help learning how to work ON their business, and not IN their business.
In the Workshop in a Box, you can apply to be in the “Hot Seat”. Then they have the opportunity for Elizabeth to coach them live in front of the rest of the babes in the class, and they can get clarity and direction in whatever they are needing in their business!
Elizabeth asks Chrystal why she hasn’t officially started coaching others.
She said that she doesn’t really know WHERE to start. She has a lot of ideas, but hasn’t figured out HOW to start. She wants to remain her authentic self, but also, she doesn’t know how much to charge.
How cool is it that you are able to get PAID to do something that you would be willing to do for free!
Very first you need you need to find your WHY! Why do you feel like there’s a need?
Chrystal was finding that when she was doing textured hair, she wasn’t able to find the answers that she was needing, so she started finding the answers herself, and now wants to share what she has learned. She ended up taking a full business program, that inspired her to share her knowledge with others!
It’s important to remember to stay open and understand that you’re not perfect. Sometimes the best ideas come from your community so its crucial to LISTEN to them!
Chrystal has a lot of people who would be interested in being coached by her. She sat down and looked at their needs, and realized most of their questions were about weddings!
It’s important to find your NICHE! Make sure you know your audience, and one thing thing that you want to focus on!
Chrystal realized that she is a SYSTEMS girl, and that is what she wants to help people with! She has figured out that once you have systems, things will run themselves, and it makes your life so much easier! She wants to ask questions that help people come to their own conclusions, instead of FORCE someone to make a change they don’t want to. Her dream client is someone who is motivated and ready to go, and doesn’t necessarily need hand holding. She would like to do zoom calls so she can see facial expressions and body language.
To get all of this going, Elizabeth advices Chrystal to set up an intake form that she can review, and then set up a free or paid 15-30 minutes call to make sure that it is a good fit! The intake form needs to include basic info, how they found you, and questions like..
What is your dreamiest life?
What are your road blocks that are holding you back?
Also, include things that you KNOW you can help them with (systems, marketing ,etc.). Once you figure out the issues, you need to prioritize which problems are most important.
You also need to figure out what things are your “no-gos”. These are topics that you aren’t comfortable teaching and are not an expert in.
33:45 Chrystal asks “How Do I Let People Know That I am Doing This??”
Elizabeth says to very first, start with your local community- those who have already started asking your questions and are in your chair and seem interested.
From there, you can promote your coaching on social media! You can include a link in your bio to be coaching.
Elizabeth also recommends holding events in your community, because COMMUNITY IS EVERYTHING!
First, figure out what it’s going to cost you.
Second, figure out what you can sell a ticket for.
Third, figure out how many people you can fit in your space.
Fourth, how many tickets do you think you can easily sell?
Fifth, how can you add value to the event?
-Things that don’t cost you MONEY, but only cost you TIME!
What are your 3 takeaways from today?
I can coach WHOEVER!
I can coach on what you are comfortable with!
I can coach locally!
Always remember.. It’s all about doing what you love!!
We Hair Love you!!