Written by Chantell Steinke.
It was October 1st, 2017 when I heard about Hair Love Retreat on Lo Wheeler’s Instagram, and was quite intrigued. I checked out the website, stalked all the coaches and people behind the scenes, and knew I needed to be there!
I was super nervous to embark on this venture alone. Not knowing a single person going, traveling solo, meeting new people, making payments, working my buns off to make this happen; it was so exciting yet a bit scary. I was certain it would be beyond worth it though. The connections, education and experience were just a few things on the list of “Heck Yes”
As the days counted down, the nerves and expectations grew. Finally the time had come. I’m on a plane to Utah, with a flipping stomach and a bit of giddiness. In the airport I even made a friend going to the retreat too! We ended up riding together and talked throughout the weekend.
As I rode up through Zion, taking in sights that I’d never seen before, I was in complete awe. Then we walked up the driveway to the main house, it was decorated perfectly to set the mood and theme of this new tribe that I would soon call my own!
After checking in and getting situated, we all gathered together in a big group of a mix of all types of hair stylists from all over the country. I know what you’re thinking, “Oh man, all those women together…Yeesh!” Quite the contrary. Not one feeling of competition, judgment or, jealousy. How amazing!
Seeing people I had connected with via social media, in real life, was pretty cool. Oh yeah they’re real too! The first night was unreal, giving us all so much to look forward to, I already didn’t want it to end. The classes, speakers, attendees and atmosphere were nothing short of inspirational. To be surrounded by like minded people was so refreshing. It gave me the drive to go back and utilize everything I had experienced.
When I heard we could sign up for next year’s retreat, I was one of the 1st in line. This time there were no nerves, hesitation, or excuses on why I couldn’t go!
HLR impacted me in more ways than I know.
Every day I remember the friends I’ve made, and the things I’ve gained. An awesome community was created that weekend, that will last on and on, always in our little hearts.
Thanks ladies, can’t wait for the next life changing gathering.
-Chantell Steinke
You can follow Chantell on Instagram here!
Here are our latest IG posts from Hair Love Retreat below.
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