This is a guest blog post written by the amazing Missy Megginson
I am self-diagnosed ADD (well really, I am self-diagnosed a lot of things, but for the sake of time we’ll just stick with that). I have a million things on my to-do list at any given moment. One distraction and my brain goes “squirrel!”
Am I alone here or do you feel me?
As I have started adding more and more projects to my plate, I have actually noticed my productivity going DOWN.
I know that seems backwards, right?! I am the girl who cooks dinner and then stands in the kitchen drinking coffee staring at the dishes because I don’t know where to start. Insert what my life feels like right now.
So…I am in search of ways to fix this. I listen to books and podcasts on the regular and something that I keep hearing come up is this concept of “time blocking” or “time batching.”
Can I just interrupt this right now to tell you how funny this whole thing is to me…because my mother is literally the original productivity master. So, I guess you could say I’m turning into my mom.
Ok, back at it. If you haven’t heard of this time management concept here is how WikiHow describes it:
“Time blocking is a type of scheduling that can help you manage your time better. Instead of working by the clock, you can focus on finishing big and small tasks one at a time. This will help you limit distractions, get things done faster, and leave you less overwhelmed by lengthy to-do lists. To time block effectively, you’ll need to figure out what sorts of things you need to do each day, month, and year. You can then put a schedule in place and stick to it.”

Basically, instead of tackling a to do list with things that bounce all over, you group similar things together and set to accomplish them in a larger chunk of time instead of smaller bits more often.
Take today for instance. I knew that I had nice chunk of time while the girls were at school today where I could really get computer work done. Obviously I have other things I need to check off, but some of them I could easily do with the girls around! So, I set myself up to really hammer out computer work today. Write a few blogs (hey there), write and return some emails, and tidy up some other odds and ends. Can I just tell you I feel like I’m winning!!!
I put my phone face down so I wasn’t seeing notifications and got to work. I set a timer for how long I was going to work on my computer and then when it went off, I knew I could take a little break and check my notifications.
I’m still trying this system out and fine tuning what works best for me, but I just had to share with you!
As we’re already halfway through 2019 and are going to be the biggest goal getters out there, efficiency is going to be key!
I mean apparently Elon Musk and Bill Gates use time blocking soooo…..if the cool kids are doing it, they must be up to something right?!
What do you think? I say give it a whirl. Sit down, set a plan for your plan (yes friend this is where we are in life right now…hahahaha, but let’s own it!)
About Missy
Missy Megginson is an amazing hairstylist, mom, and educator. You can follow her on Instagram here.
Thank you Missy for sharing your knowledge with us!
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