Here’s an amazing episode on how to better your life, better your business, and find the money to make it all happen!
Do you find yourself saying “I don’t have the money to do…(Insert expensive item)? We are talking with Danny who is a successful entrepreneur and business coach. Danny and Elizabeth talk about what it takes to get what you want in life, even if you might not currently have all the resources!
1:32 – What is the Find the Money program?
Have you ever said “I want to go to an even, but I don’t have the money!” Both Danny and Elizabeth work with those around the world that have this problem. However, some are able to pull their resources together, make some sacrifices and accomplish their goals, while others fall back on the issue of money.
The difference between the two groups? Mentality and mindset! Get creative, use your resources, be open to different ways of earning income.
This is where Find the Money program comes in. It will teach you all the tips and tricks to getting what you want by evaluating your daily habits, and making changes to your current situation. It’s also free to join.
4:09 – Danny asks Elizabeth “How did you figure it out?”
Elizabeth grew up poor and learned from her mom. She always had faith that she would survive! Mentors are crucial. Look for inspiration from those with experience, and then surround yourself with amazing people. Most importantly, use your resources. Sometimes you need to take a leap of faith, which then builds confidence for future endeavors.
5:58 – Elizabeth asks Danny “How did you figure it out?”
Take baby steps. Once you see success, you gain confidence and build on that success. All of this can be learned! When it comes to getting what you want, look at what you HAVE, what you can BUDGET, and what are your PRIORITIES.
Danny started the Find the Money project. Very first step? Download your bank statements, and highlight the categories (food, gas, etc.) Look at your daily spending habits and really track the amount of money you are spending. Often times you have the money, but its the small frequent purchases that add up very quickly!
If you really don’t have the money, there are several things you can do. Sell unused items from your home, clear up your space. Use that extra money to pay off debt. In turn, you’ll become less stressed and open up your life to more good things! When you are stressed, that becomes your focus and you close yourself off to other opportunities.
Buy what you NEED. How many times do you buy new product when you still have that exact same product? (Ladies, how many of you have several different brands of the same lipstick color?) Use every drop of your product. If you know you are going to use every drop of your product, you are going to be more mindful of your purchases because you’ll want to ensure that you are 100% in love with the product!
Successful people think value time as money. When you invest in your education, you’re investing time and money, because you want a brighter future. When you get a certification for a new technique, you are giving up time out of your day, you might have to get a babysitting, but in return you are able to charge more, offer a new service, and increase your overall market value.
Get a side job, take more clients! Make sure you have time for you, but also realize there is going to be some sacrifice. It might not be easy for a little bit, but once you realize the payoff, you’re willing to sacrifice.
19:34 – What does sacrifice look like?
Anything you want you are sacrificing something else. All of the classes, education, books, podcasts, form who you are! Help you make decisions. It is all worth it! You cant have the “pretty white salon” without the “ugly purple salon”
Get creative in your hustle! You don’t have to work 24 hours a day. If you want to work with an educator, get in contact with them and see how you can help, volunteer, trade, etc. It wont just fall into your lap, you need to make an effort!
Use what you have. Get scrappy people! The scrappy period and a struggle is a gift because it helps you realize you don’t need everything. The hard stuff you’re going through is your greatest lesson! Use humor. Elizabeth “I knew my salon was ridiculous, but I was proud of it, because I knew their hair was going to be amazing!”
3 words:
Scrappy, creative and mindful!
Remember, you need to know what you’re doing in order to make a change.
Before you make an excuse, look at what you can do! Maybe you can’t do it YET, but eventually you can make it happen! Think ahead and plan. If you want it to happen, make it a priority and set aside money for something that can happen in the future. If you want it bad enough, change your mindset from “I cant afford it” to “How CAN I afford it?” even if it doesn’t happen today or this year, maybe in 2 years from now.
If money is your only obstacle, YOU DON’T HAVE AN OBSTACLE
31:36 – How can you sign up?
Click here to sign up for the Find the Money Project.
There is a FREE 7 day program full of tips and steps. There is a 14, $14 program that goes even more in depth!
Everyday you will take steps to find more money. There have been thousands of people who have participated in this course. On average, one person finds $1,800 in just 2 months!!
Do the course over and over. You always want to have a money mindset.
Other incredible resources:
You’re a Bad-Ass at Making Money.
Hair Love Radio episodes about money:
34:55 – Danny and Elizabeth are teaching the Morocco Mastermind September 26th – October 3rd.
Tickets are available here, but running out. This is an amazing business mastermind to take your business to a new level!!
This Mastermind is perfect for service based entrepreneurs. Especially those who are selling something or managing a team.
Good news! We do payment plans. Use Find The Money project to make Morocco a reality for yourself!
38:11 – About the Modern Salon branding webinar
Learning is cool. Be excited and open minded about everything you are going to learn! Change your mindset, ask the right questions, always look at what you HAVE versus what you don’t have.
40:18 – Wrap it up
Look on paper what you are already spending. Your money is probably there you just need to allocate it differently.
#2 Shift you mindset.
“I cant afford” to “How can I afford it?”
#3 Be faithful with the little things!
Use what you have, wear what you have, use resources! Be creative! You probably have everything you need, so start looking harder.
Click here to join the Find the Money Project
Free 7 day challenge with the option to extend your challenge to 14 days for $14!
If you do the 14 day project, email Danny and give your feedback and she will send you her full 90 day program for FREE. It has online videos and courses for you!
If you have questions, reach out!
Remember, you matter, you are abundant, you’re beautiful and you have resources all around you!!
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