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Go to greencirclesalons.com and submit your application to go green!
Elizabeth interviews Sarah Babington of Green Circle salons and they talk about how to be more sustainable in your own salon, and make a difference in the world!
Sarah is a global educator for Green Circle Salons and she’s hear to teach you all the things you can do to make an impact! Sarah goes around the world and coaches salons on how they can be more sustainable.
Green circle salons started in Canada in 2009, and they are currently coast to coast in North America and have thousands of salons on the program!
5:00 What is a Green Circle Salon?
Green Circle Salons mission is to make the beauty industry sustainable. Green Circle collects about 95% of salon wastes and repurposes it in the most creative ways!
They have hair booms that are used for oil spill clean up. Think of a pool noodle used out of mesh (this is made out of hair). When there is an oil spill (sitting on top of water) you use a sponge to pick it up, and since hair absorbs oil it picks it up the best!
They also have made a material from recycled hair that resembles plastic. The first application of this plastic will be used for bins inside of the salon!
They’ve also been looking at using hair in insulation since it’s a great heat holder!
10:00 What is the process to become a green circle salon?
All you need to do is go to greencirclesalons.com and submit your info, and the team will reach out to them with a program that is suitable with their salon!
Once you are accepted, you are given a series of sorting bins that Green Circle would then collect and sort the material. They work with carbon neutral transportation that comes and picks up all of the waste.
One of the coolest things about Green Circle is that you are matched with someone that can help you with the entire process! They can coach you through what is needed for your salon. Everything is completely customized based on your salon size and needs.
There are extra fees but if you think about it you are paying recycling fees all the time! When you get your oil changed, or have recycling bins you have those fees.
QUESTION?? Do you have to clean any color off of our products?
NO!! They take everything and heat it up, which turns any product into a dust powder, and then the materials are separated and recycled accordingly. Even the dust is recycled in to things like construction material.
15:45 Green Circle Salons Founder
The Founder, Shane Price, has a background in environmental science, and loves the outdoors! When he saw someone taking out the trash he asked if he could take it, and he took it home and analyzed it, and realized that most of it can recycled!
Green circle is constantly having to innovate because the hair world is always changing and bringing in new materials, and they want to make sure it all can be repurposed!
22:40 What advice would you give your younger self?
Sarah is currently doing her DREAM job.
She says that she wouldn’t do anything differently.
Her advice would be to take every opportunity that you can! Even if you might not be super excited about it, you’re still learning and meeting new people and growing.
Last question! For anyone who is on the fence about going green, what is your advice?
There is no extra time! You either take out the trash or take out a bin!
Follow @greencirclesalons on social media and schedule an appt with an educator and just start learning!
It doesn’t matter your color line or what products you’re carrying, they can make it work!
Because of COVID, they launched an entire new stream of waste diversion called their PPE Recovery. You do not have to be a Green Circle Salon to take advantage of the PPE Recovery. They cater to homes, day cares, etc.
Green Circle collects masks, gloves, disinfectant wipes and anything PPE related, and used to create PPE Energy!
It doesn’t have to be hard, IT’S SIMPLE!!!! JUST FREAKING DO IT!!
At the end of the year you get a waste diversion certificate and you see how many pounds of material you were able to divert from landfill is one of the most incredible and amazing feelings!
Thank you so much for tuning in, and as always WE HAIR LOVE YOU!!