Have you signed up for your FREE coaching call with Elizabeth Faye? She is sharing all of her secrets on March 15th @ 7pm MST. (If you cannot make it live, there will be a replay link.) If you’re wanting to know her Wealthy Stylist Formula, and are ready to take your career to the next level (like 6 figures next level) you’ll want to click here to get on the VIP list!
We are starting out this episode with a tarot pull card. This pull comes from Brit Carmichael’s Shine Oracle deck.
The first card was “Stop Judging and Start Loving”
This card is all about loving ourselves and others! We need to stop judging and start loving! Choose love over fear. If you wouldn’t say it to their face, don’t say it behind their back! Challenge your thoughts and start offering compliments!
The second card was “step out of your comfort zone and try something new!”
This card’s message Is about how the magic happens outside of your comfort zone! It seems safe to stay in your security patterns, but without change, life would be boring! Creatives FAIL and that’s ok! How do you expect yourself to expand if you don’t live to your full potential?
Today’s episode is all about comfort zones! This is perfect timing because the Workshop in a a Box is open for enrollment, and it’s your choice if you are ready to take the risk and level up, or stay in your comfort zone!
Our goal for our retreats and education is putting people into groups that are SO different than their normal lives that it automatically gives them the opportunity to show up differently.
You are surrounded by amazing people, and you get to decide how you want to grow and what you want to take from the program or retreat you go to.
One of the first things that Elizabeth does when she wants to step outside of her comfort zone is to recognize her fears and her desires. Typically, her fears are a way of protection. It’s important to recognize that everything your feeling is VALID.
But.. what is there was a different way to get what you want?
The universe is going to give you what you want through the path of least resistance. Many times our path comes through our channel that we believe in most.
The exercise of stepping out of your comfort zone is scary because you’re going against your fears. It’s taking the leap and making the stretch and in doing so, you’re creating PROOF!!
Remember.. finding new proof takes experimenting, and you need to be ok with failing, and giving yourself the time to try new things. It will never feel safe or comfortable or ready. Ready is when you CHOOSE that you’re ready.
The sooner you start doing that, is the sooner you start living in your life that you desire!
If you have questions, DM Elizabeth on Insta! @heyelizabethfaye.
Take the LEAP!
Join the program!